Our transportable homes can be financed
Yes! We can help you finance your new Keith Hay transportable home during the construction phase until normal bank finance can be uplifted
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Does your school require a new teaching space? Keith Hay Homes Educational sector has seen tremendous growth over the last couple of years and is projected to continue with our competitive, affordable and trusted commercial range. Check out why transportable classrooms were the perfect solution for Torbay School.
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Are you exploring the possibility of a second dwelling? Invest with confidence! Keith Hay Homes have been building for happy customers since 1938! Check out why Shane who has been in the building industry for 40 years chose to build his investment property with Keith Hay Homes.
View videoSee what our customers have to say
Are you looking to build and want to ensure that your investment is safe? Look no further! Keith Hay Homes have been building for happy customers since 1938! See what Julie and Ivan have to say about their brand new home and their build experience with Keith Hay Homes.
View videoNew Homes Now For Sale In Bulls!
Lot 6, Lot 11 and Lot 12 complete and ready to move in, Lot 10 consented plans. Be quick! Click here for more details.
Learn moreMaximise the potential in your property
Does your property have further development potential?
• Can you subdivide your property?
• Have you checked the council planning requirements?
• Do you know the development requirements for your property?